Preminilary Paperwork.
This post will give details of our preliminary task and the paperwork which goes alongside it.
The paperwork includes the script, storyboard, location recce, risk assessment and shot list.
For our task we have written our own script with characters who we have chosen between us. Myllee and Jenna wrote up the script, which was an important part of the task because it shows the lines which the actors within the film have to say and it can be used if an actor needs a promt. The stage directions which are also included within the script help the camera people to follow the actors with ease.
The story board is also an important part of the paperwork because it demonstrates not only shot sizes but it shows character and camera movement within one side of the storyboard and on the other is shows a description of the shot, including sound, character movement, length of shot, scene and shot number and the camera movement. It allows for a changes within movement before a final draft is completed and followed. It also allows us to see if match on action or shot, reverse, shot is happening. Everyone had a part in the story board.
Location Recce;
The location recce is an important part of the location process. The photographs which have to be completed and placed together to create a panaramic view of the room that we will be filming in. This helps to recognise any hazzards of risks which are within the room and this will help to complete the rick assessment. The location recce will also help us to identify the power sources that are around the room, the lighting that is in the room and also what permission is needed to film within that room. I did the location recc
e for my group.

Risk Assesment;
The risk assessment is a document which helps to identify the risks that are posed within a filming location. It is important because it will limit the danger that is posed to both people and equipment. A risk assessment must be completed for every location that is being used for filming and everything that could be counted as a risk should be listed with a column saying how the risk would be limited or resolved. I typed the risk assessment for my group.
Shot List;

The shot list must be completed as an outline for the script and storyboard. It must include the location, scene and shot number and a description of the scene that includes which characters are in the shot and who is speaking at a time. The shot list was written by myself and Katie and Jenna and Myllee helped to edit the scences and create a final draft. Katie then typed it up.